
Stay Safe Out There: Reflecting on 20 Years of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Picture it: you’re about to go out of town for a week and you’ve programmed your home’s smart thermostat to know your schedule so you’re not paying for heating or cooling you’re not using while you’re gone. With 60.4 million U.S. homes using some level of smart home devices in 2023, this is a common …

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Comprehensive Guide to SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)

Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) systems are an essential part of any modern cybersecurity toolbox that helps the SOC collect, detect, investigate and respond to internal and external cyber threats. This critical tool helps cybersecurity teams collect, analyze and perform security operations while maintaining  and ensuring rapid, optimal incident response. We cover a lot …

Comprehensive Guide to SIEM (Security Information & Event Management) Read More »

The Cyber Battlefield: A Tactical Guide To Preparing For, Engaging in and Triumphing Over Cyberattacks

In the digital age, where information is power, and the battle for data integrity rages on, cyber threats loom like shadowy adversaries, ready to pounce on unsuspecting organizations. These stealthy assailants are relentless, exploiting every vulnerability to breach digital fortresses, wreak havoc and compromise the integrity of business-critical data. In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber …

The Cyber Battlefield: A Tactical Guide To Preparing For, Engaging in and Triumphing Over Cyberattacks Read More »

Mastering Managed Backup as a Service (BaaS) In the Age of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: A Guide for MSPs

In a recent survey conducted by Vanson Bourne1, 83% of organizations agree that the hybrid multi-cloud approach stands as the preferred backup strategy. Considering this surge in digital transformation, the management and protection of data have assumed unprecedented importance. As organizations increasingly incorporate hyperscale cloud environments such as AWS and Azure, there is strong demand …

Mastering Managed Backup as a Service (BaaS) In the Age of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: A Guide for MSPs Read More »

Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV v5

In today’s cost-conscious world, enterprises are continually evaluating and adopting new preferred infrastructure vendors, whether it be driven by total cost of ownership, features or overall flexibility. Despite being critical in today’s datacenters, hypervisors themselves are not exempt from this either.  One of the key influences when evaluating the foundational pillars of your IT environment …

Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV v5 Read More »

How Resilient Is Your Business? Discover the Key Factors

How resilient is your company? Most businesses aren’t as resilient as they think. Historically, backup and recovery processes for IT and cloud environments are: Composed of manual processes to replicate and protect workloads and data, Kept in a written business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) plan, and Implemented by a person or team. Manual processes are onerous …

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The Top 5 Benefits of Automating Your Cybersecurity Plan

Is your organization one of the 85% that suffered a ransomware attack in the last year? Ransomware attacks are increasing in both frequency and intensity. Leading data protection provider, Veeam, states that based on their research, ransomware is increasing at approximately 12% year-over-year — so soon, nearly every business will have been targeted by a …

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Assessing Veeam Backup Regarding Gartner’s Considerations for Microsoft 365

Welcome to the final segment of our three-part blog series where we evaluate how Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 aligns with Gartner’s recommendations for Microsoft 365 data protection and Microsoft’s Shared Responsibility Model. In case you missed our first two segments: Gartner’s Considerations for Microsoft 365: Gartner highlighted five major risks that organizations need to …

Assessing Veeam Backup Regarding Gartner’s Considerations for Microsoft 365 Read More »

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